发布日期:2024-11-26 13:29 浏览次数:次
留学 ,旧称留洋,一般是指一个人去母国以外的国家接受各类 教育 ,时间可以为短期或长期(从几个星期到几年)。那么,你知道留学的英语怎么说吗?
to study abroad
Over the years, hundreds of overseas students have studied at that university.
他眼下最大的目标是 出国 留学。
His ultimate goal at the moment is to go and study out of the country.
I decided to go abroad for further study.
More personnel will be sent to study abroad.
He is considering studying abroad.
What would you say to my studying abroad?
My maximal merit is to be eager to help people.
The education for studying abroad is an offshoot of higher education.
I can not see any reason why you shall not apply to study abroad.
许多大学生都决定 毕业 后出国留学.
Many students resolve resolve to study abroad after graduation.
He had to lay up his car when he studied abroad.
The foreign students studying in Beijing come from all parts of the world.
I think without first studying in the United States, I would never have made it thisfar
That initiative aims to increase significantly the number and diversity of Americanstudents studying in China. iipdigital.usembassy.gov
These are important skills if you are going to study in the UK.
But today she called me that she would go abroad to study soon.
We know Chinese people can learn to speak English well. For example, look atthose who came to study in the USA ? they speak really well!
Another of your classmates was studying in China last year when the devastating earthquake struck, and that has led to work ever since to deliver supplies andassistance to villagers in remote areas.
However, the purpose of our studying abroad is for the realization of ourambitions.
你的父母可能还有必要向项目负责人说明他们对你出国留学的看法,你还要接受所申请的学校或项目主办方的 面试 。
Your parents also may need to tell the program personnel how they feel aboutyour studying abroad.You'll also have to go through interviews with schools orsponsoring organizations.
Today, many European youth travel, study, visit or even work and live in China.More and more Chinese youth have come to Europe.
In a word, I just want to reveal to you the dark side of foreign students' life.
留学归国的学子们带着新的观念和视角去重新审视自己国家的 文化 ,国外的生涯促使他们重新定位自己的信仰和价值观念。
Students who study abroad return home with new ideas and perspectives aboutthemselves and their own culture. The experience abroad often challenges themto reconsider their own beliefs and values.
More Indonesians have been choosing to study in Australia, Singapore andMalaysia.
But study abroad is not suitable for everyone because of the high cost, fees.
We should look at our student-visa system and deliberately bend it in favor ofhighly skilled students from countries of the future like India and China and Brazil.
When you're studying abroad, you ought to learn as much as you can about thelanguage and the culture in which you're operating.
Remember that many others have gone through the same thrilling and anxiousexperience of studying in the United States and that most feel the experience was very rewarding academically and personally.
This would involve the country not only teaching more courses in English but alsoproviding better services to the international students.
It is high time for us to ask why we pay so much to study abroad and what kind ofconsequences it will bring about by such scandals.
“逾期逗留”这个词明显给我们这样一种印象——这些留学生非法逗留在英国,而实际上 报告 中并没有做出这样的指控。
The use of the word "overstaying" clearly gave the impression that these studentshad remained in the UK illegally while the article itself made no such accusation.